Martin Raith: Semmelknödel oder Apfelstrudel

Client: Martin Raith
Production Company: Printhouse Films
Director: Nick Hansbauer

This mini doc. outlines the journey of journalist Martin Raith on his path to publishing his first book Semmelknödel oder Apfelstrudel. The documentary features interviews with his team, along with statements from Martin Raith personally, that offer insights into some of the challenges that were faced during the writing process, and the positive outlook Martin holds for the future.

Martin’s work and compelling interview style serve as an inspiration and a gentle reminder that people with disabilities do not want pity, and that everyone can reach their goals if they put in the effort.


Producer / Director: Nick Hansbauer

Executive Producers: Martin Raith, Hans Raith, Chantelle Raith

Camera Operators: Vassilis Issopoulos, Matthias Streicher
Production Assistance by: Peter Theissbacher

Editor: Nick Hansbauer
Assistant Editor: Vassilis Issopoulos

Featuring interviews with:
Martin Raith
Peter Theissbacher
Dr. Peter Rudlof (Redakteur Zeitschrift ‘Menschen’)
Sonja Haingartner (Geschäftsführung RehaDruck)
Silvia Trummer (Layout, Druckvorstrufe RehaDruck)

Special Thanks:
RehaDruck, STVBM, Mosaik, Printhouse Films