Open House

Free cinematography demonstration, test, & Q&A:

ARRI Alexa 35 Up Close

Friday May 3rd, 2024

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Join us for a casual Friday afternoon get-together at Printhouse Films and get your hands on the new ARRI Alexa 35. Director of Photography Matthias Streicher-Feldhofer will demonstrate some of the camera’s special features and be readily available to answer any and all questions you may have about the ARRI system.

Bring your lens and harddrive!

Because afterwards you will have the opportunity to test the look and feel of your own lenses on the Alexa 35 and have access to a little DIT station to further play with your footage. Don’t forget your harddrive so you can bring your test rushes back home.

  • Where: Jauerburggasse 25, 8010 Graz

  • When: Afternoon, time TBA.


  • Opening Words & Welcome by Director Nick Hansbauer.

  • What makes the Alexa 35 unique - Technical features.

  • ARRI Companion App - Remote camera access from an array of devices.

  • Studio Test: Overexposure stress-test - Comparing the dynamic range of the Alexa 35 to the Sony FX6 and demonstrating the incredible limits of the camera.

  • Live Q&A with D. o. P. Matthias Streicher-Feldhofer.

  • Hands-on Time with the Alexa 35 - Try out the camera for yourself and get accustomed to the menu, functions & capabilities.

    Furthermore, strap on your own lens and test it out on the ARRI system (LPL, PL, & EF). Don’t forget your hard-drive so you can take your rushes home.

If you are interested in joining our open house make sure to sign up so we can plan accordingly. We are looking forward to welcoming you at our production facilities.